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Revenue breakdown by Products & Services
Revenue breakdown by Geography

Sysco Corporation's Revenue by Segment

In fiscal year 2024, Sysco Corporation's revenue by segment (products & services) are as follows:

  • Beverage Products1: $2.79B
  • Canned And Dry Products1: $14.90B
  • Dairy Products1: $8.03B
  • Fresh And Frozen Meats1: $14.30B
  • Fresh Produce1: $6.83B
  • Frozen Fruits, Vegetables, Bakery And Other1: $12.06B
  • Paper And Disposables1: $5.39B
  • Poultry1: $7.69B
  • Seafood1: $2.82B

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The above chart shows Sysco Corporation's revenue percentage share by segment (products and services).

In fiscal year 2022, Sysco Corporation's revenue by segment is as follows:

  • Beverage Products1 generated $2.16B in revenue, representing 3.3% of its total revenue.
  • Canned And Dry Products1 generated $11.96B in revenue, representing 18.26% of its total revenue.
  • Dairy Products1 generated $6.76B in revenue, representing 10.32% of its total revenue.
  • Fresh And Frozen Meats1 generated $13.27B in revenue, representing 20.26% of its total revenue.
  • Fresh Produce1 generated $5.71B in revenue, representing 8.72% of its total revenue.
  • Frozen Fruits, Vegetables, Bakery And Other1 generated $9.65B in revenue, representing 14.73% of its total revenue.
  • Paper And Disposables1 generated $5.09B in revenue, representing 7.76% of its total revenue.
  • Poultry1 generated $7.69B in revenue, representing 11.74% of its total revenue.
  • Seafood1 generated $3.21B in revenue, representing 4.91% of its total revenue.

The biggest segment for Sysco Corporation is the Fresh And Frozen Meats1, which represents 20.26% of its total revenue.
The smallest segment for Sysco Corporation is the Beverage Products1, which represents 3.3% of its total revenue.

The above chart shows Sysco Corporation's revenue percentage share by segment (products and services).

In fiscal year 2023, Sysco Corporation's revenue by segment is as follows:

  • Beverage Products1 generated $2.56B in revenue, representing 3.51% of its total revenue.
  • Canned And Dry Products1 generated $14.35B in revenue, representing 19.69% of its total revenue.
  • Dairy Products1 generated $8.21B in revenue, representing 11.27% of its total revenue.
  • Fresh And Frozen Meats1 generated $13.49B in revenue, representing 18.51% of its total revenue.
  • Fresh Produce1 generated $6.68B in revenue, representing 9.17% of its total revenue.
  • Frozen Fruits, Vegetables, Bakery And Other1 generated $11.36B in revenue, representing 15.6% of its total revenue.
  • Paper And Disposables1 generated $5.44B in revenue, representing 7.47% of its total revenue.
  • Poultry1 generated $7.75B in revenue, representing 10.64% of its total revenue.
  • Seafood1 generated $3.02B in revenue, representing 4.15% of its total revenue.

The biggest segment for Sysco Corporation is the Canned And Dry Products1, which represents 19.69% of its total revenue.
The smallest segment for Sysco Corporation is the Beverage Products1, which represents 3.51% of its total revenue.

The above chart shows Sysco Corporation's revenue percentage share by segment (products and services).

In fiscal year 2024, Sysco Corporation's revenue by segment is as follows:

  • Beverage Products1 generated $2.79B in revenue, representing 3.73% of its total revenue.
  • Canned And Dry Products1 generated $14.90B in revenue, representing 19.92% of its total revenue.
  • Dairy Products1 generated $8.03B in revenue, representing 10.74% of its total revenue.
  • Fresh And Frozen Meats1 generated $14.30B in revenue, representing 19.11% of its total revenue.
  • Fresh Produce1 generated $6.83B in revenue, representing 9.12% of its total revenue.
  • Frozen Fruits, Vegetables, Bakery And Other1 generated $12.06B in revenue, representing 16.12% of its total revenue.
  • Paper And Disposables1 generated $5.39B in revenue, representing 7.2% of its total revenue.
  • Poultry1 generated $7.69B in revenue, representing 10.28% of its total revenue.
  • Seafood1 generated $2.82B in revenue, representing 3.77% of its total revenue.

The biggest segment for Sysco Corporation is the Canned And Dry Products1, which represents 19.92% of its total revenue.
The smallest segment for Sysco Corporation is the Beverage Products1, which represents 3.73% of its total revenue.
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Summary Table

Products & Services (Percent Share) 2022 2023 2024
Beverage Products1 3.3% 3.51% 3.73%
Seafood1 4.91% 4.15% 3.77%
Poultry1 11.74% 10.64% 10.28%
Paper And Disposables1 7.76% 7.47% 7.2%
Frozen Fruits, Vegetables, Bakery And Other1 14.73% 15.6% 16.12%
Fresh Produce1 8.72% 9.17% 9.12%
Fresh And Frozen Meats1 20.26% 18.51% 19.11%
Dairy Products1 10.32% 11.27% 10.74%
Canned And Dry Products1 18.26% 19.69% 19.92%
Total Revenue 100% 100% 100%

The above chart shows the revenue trend of different segments of Sysco Corporation.

In fiscal year 2024, the Canned And Dry Products1 generated the most revenue ($14.90B), and the Beverage Products1 generated the least revenue ($2.79B).

The above chart shows growth drivers and a year-over-year comparison of different segments' revenue.

  • Beverage Products1 revenue increased 9.15% ($234.00M) from $2.56B (in 2023) to $2.79B (in 2024).
  • Canned And Dry Products1 revenue increased 3.83% ($550.10M) from $14.35B (in 2023) to $14.90B (in 2024).
  • Dairy Products1 revenue decreased -2.17% ($178.45M) from $8.21B (in 2023) to $8.03B (in 2024).
  • Fresh And Frozen Meats1 revenue increased 5.97% ($804.87M) from $13.49B (in 2023) to $14.30B (in 2024).
  • Fresh Produce1 revenue increased 2.15% ($143.74M) from $6.68B (in 2023) to $6.83B (in 2024).
  • Frozen Fruits, Vegetables, Bakery And Other1 revenue increased 6.13% ($696.55M) from $11.36B (in 2023) to $12.06B (in 2024).
  • Paper And Disposables1 revenue decreased -1.04% ($56.41M) from $5.44B (in 2023) to $5.39B (in 2024).
  • Poultry1 revenue decreased -0.85% ($65.67M) from $7.75B (in 2023) to $7.69B (in 2024).
  • Seafood1 revenue decreased -6.68% ($201.97M) from $3.02B (in 2023) to $2.82B (in 2024).
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    Summary Table

    Products & Services 2022 2023 2024
    Beverage Products1 $2.16B - $2.56B
    Canned And Dry Products1 $11.96B - $14.35B
    Dairy Products1 $6.76B - $8.21B
    Fresh And Frozen Meats1 $13.27B - $13.49B
    Fresh Produce1 $5.71B - $6.68B
    Frozen Fruits, Vegetables, Bakery And Other1 $9.65B - $11.36B
    Paper And Disposables1 $5.09B - $5.44B
    Poultry1 $7.69B - $7.75B
    Seafood1 $3.21B - $3.02B
    Total Revenue $65.50B - $72.87B