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Revenue breakdown by Products & Services
Revenue breakdown by Geography

Kellogg Company's Revenue by Region

In fiscal year 2023, Kellogg Company's revenue by geographical region are as follows:

  • AMEA: $2.79B
  • Europe: $2.50B
  • Latin America: $1.27B
  • North America Other: $6.57B

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The above chart shows Kellogg Company's revenue percentage share by geographical region.

In fiscal year 2021, Kellogg Company's revenue by region is as follows:

  • AMEA generated $2.26B in revenue, representing 16.43% of its total revenue.
  • Europe generated $2.23B in revenue, representing 16.21% of its total revenue.
  • Latin America generated $914.00M in revenue, representing 6.64% of its total revenue.
  • North America Other generated $8.36B in revenue, representing 60.72% of its total revenue.

The biggest region for Kellogg Company is the North America Other, which represents 60.72% of its total revenue.
The smallest region for Kellogg Company is the Latin America, which represents 6.64% of its total revenue.

The above chart shows Kellogg Company's revenue percentage share by geographical region.

In fiscal year 2022, Kellogg Company's revenue by region is as follows:

  • AMEA generated $2.61B in revenue, representing 18.43% of its total revenue.
  • Europe generated $2.40B in revenue, representing 16.9% of its total revenue.
  • Latin America generated $997.00M in revenue, representing 7.03% of its total revenue.
  • North America Other generated $8.17B in revenue, representing 57.64% of its total revenue.

The biggest region for Kellogg Company is the North America Other, which represents 57.64% of its total revenue.
The smallest region for Kellogg Company is the Latin America, which represents 7.03% of its total revenue.

The above chart shows Kellogg Company's revenue percentage share by geographical region.

In fiscal year 2023, Kellogg Company's revenue by region is as follows:

  • AMEA generated $2.79B in revenue, representing 21.22% of its total revenue.
  • Europe generated $2.50B in revenue, representing 19.06% of its total revenue.
  • Latin America generated $1.27B in revenue, representing 9.64% of its total revenue.
  • North America Other generated $6.57B in revenue, representing 50.09% of its total revenue.

The biggest region for Kellogg Company is the North America Other, which represents 50.09% of its total revenue.
The smallest region for Kellogg Company is the Latin America, which represents 9.64% of its total revenue.
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Summary Table

Geography (Percent Share) 2021 2022 2023
AMEA 16.43% 18.43% 21.22%
Europe 16.21% 16.9% 19.06%
Latin America 6.64% 7.03% 9.64%
North America Other 60.72% 57.64% 50.09%
Total Revenue 100% 100% 100%

The above chart shows the revenue trend of different segments of Kellogg Company.

In fiscal year 2023, the North America Other generated the most revenue ($6.57B), and the Latin America generated the least revenue ($1.27B).

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Summary Table

Region 2021 2022 2023
AMEA $2.26B - $2.61B
Europe $2.23B - $2.40B
Latin America $914.00M - $997.00M
North America Other $8.36B - $8.17B
Total Revenue $13.77B - $14.18B