NVIDIA Corp Cash To Debt
  • NVIDIA Corp annual cash to debt was $1.21 in fiscal year 2022. The annual cash to debt Increased $0.00 from $0.97 (in 2021) to $1.21 (in 2022).
    This Increased represents a cash to debt growth of Billion year over year.

  • NVIDIA Corp quarterly cash to debt was 0 in the quarter ending in . The quarterly cash to debt Increased $0.00 from 0 (in ) to 0 (in ).
    This Increased represents a cash to debt growth of year over year.

  • In the last 5 years from 2018 to 2022 :
    • Highest cash to debt of NVIDIA Corp was $2.13 in fiscal year 2020
    • Lowest cash to debt of NVIDIA Corp was $0.97 in fiscal year 2021
    • Average cash to debt of NVIDIA Corp was $1.61

  • Explore additional financial metrics for NVIDIA Corp
  • Check out competitors to NVIDIA Corp.

  • Definition of Cash To Debt :
    Cash to Debt is the ratio of the company’s operational cash flow to its total debt. For more details on cash to debt, examples and formulas, refer to our glossary.
NVIDIA Corp: Cash to Debt
NVIDIA Corp : Cash To Debt Details

NVIDIA Corp annual cash to debt was $1.21 in fiscal year 2022.
NVIDIA Corp quarterly cash to debt was $1.21 (Jan) , $1.08 (May) , $0.87 (Jul) , and $0.69 (Oct) in fiscal year 2022.


NVIDIA Corp annual cash to debt was $0.97 in fiscal year 2021.
NVIDIA Corp quarterly cash to debt was $0.97 (Jan) , $1.05 (May) , $1.12 (Aug) , and $1.15 (Oct) in fiscal year 2021.


NVIDIA Corp annual cash to debt was $2.13 in fiscal year 2020.
NVIDIA Corp quarterly cash to debt was $2.13 (Jan) , $1.61 (Apr) , $0.97 (Jul) , and $0.88 (Oct) in fiscal year 2020.

NVIDIA Corp :Cash To Debt (year over year growth)
NVIDIA Corp : Cash To Debt (Year Over Year Growth) Details
NVIDIA Corp : Cash To Debt - Annual (Tabular)
Period Cash To Debt Y/Y Growth
NVIDIA Corp : Cash To Debt - Quarterly (Tabular)
Period Cash To Debt Y/Y Growth
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